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Fundação Gol de Letra is a civil non-profit organization established on December 10th, 1998, on the Human Rights International Day, fostered by the dream of former football players Rai and Leonardo, who wanted to contribute to the education of children and young people living in low bracket communities, in order to give them more opportunities and better perspectives for their lives.
Based in Vila Albertina, in São Paulo, and in Caju, in Rio de Janeiro, this Foundation gives assistance to children, teenagers and young people, contributing, via educational practices and social assistance activities, to the development of communities and families.
The Foundation has been focused on the Systemization of its practices and methodology, as well as on the expansion of its borders, by sharing its social technology with professionals and organizations of other localities, via the Dissemination area.
Fundação Gol de Letra has its representative in France, Gol de Letra Association – France, established in 2002, counting on the initiative of volunteers, some friends of the Foundation´s founders. This Association promotes events, actions and partnerships, besides gathering foreign companies´ resources to be invested in projects executed in Brazil.