The Gol de Letra Foundation is a civil society non-profit organization created to facilitate new perspectives for children, adolescents and young people from socially vulnerable communities through programs that complement school education, strengthen family ties and develop the community.
Founded in 1998 on International Human Rights Day by former prominent players of the Brazilian national football team Raí Souza Vieira de Oliveira (Raí) and Leonardo Nascimento de Araújo (Leonardo), the Gol de Letra Foundation has served thousands of children, adolescents and young people, and has had a direct impact in their families and communities.
We work in two communities, in Vila Albertina – São Paulo and Caju – Rio de Janeiro, where we benefit children, teenagers and young people by allying education practices, social assistance and community development. Through the years, we have also invested in spreading our practices and methods to share our social technology with professionals and organizations from other places.
Gol de Letra also has a representative in France, through our Gol de Letra French Association, created in 2002 by initiative of our former volunteers and founder’s friends. The association promotes and manages events, actions, partnerships and resources abroad, so they can be reversed to out projects in Brazil.
Sports as a transformation tool
Sports is part of Gol de Letra's identity!
The Foundation´s programs have always been based on the principles of Integral Education, Educational Sports, and Participation, viewing the integral development of children, teenagers and young people in the respective communities.
Besides being a citizen´s right, Sports is a social-cultural issue, improving life quality, besides linking people and groups.
Therefore, Gol de Letra understands that sports practice is essential to the personal integral development, as it promotes inclusion and social interaction, it fosters autonomy, friendship, effective space use, value learning and respect to diversity; it also propitiates a democratic relationship and the observance of individual and collective interests, besides being beneficial to people´s health. Supported by all these motives, we believe that sports has an important role as social transformer!
Fundação Gol de Letra believes networking is key to our methodology. Partnering with public organs, companies and other NGOs is an efficient way to amplify services and protection to our targeted audience.
Wether our partners are local and present in the territories we work with, or wether we partner with nation-wide organizations that help us with sports for human development and gender equality, the collaboration, exchange of experiences and common efford help us to implement safe and qualified social actions to guarantee rights and political representation to make real transformations for the fragile fragments of society we work with.
As of now, Fundação Gol de Letra colaborates with the following networks: Sports for Social Change Networks (REMS), Vila Albertina Network, Girls and Gender Equality Network (REMIG), Intersetorial Network of Caju, Laureus Brasil Network and Laureus Learning Community on Sports for Good.
Personal and Professional Development
Gol de Letra Foundation understands that the role of an organization that works in social-economic vulnerable communities is offering opportunities and possibilities to young people, giving them the knowledge, practice, experience and dialogue they need.
The idea is promoting activities that answer to the educational and social requirements, expanding the educational and cultural possibilities, the development, the autonomy, as well as citizenship awareness.
Therefore, concerning Youth, Gol de Letra´s focus is on three axels: Employability, Education of Monitors, and Arts & Communication. These are the themes of the programs and projects for the young people, developed via technical and certification courses; education of multiplying agents, employability workshops, life projects, and artistic language workshops. We try to comprehend different interests and demands in relation to the youth´s education, professional possibilities, income generation, personal and family aspects, and above all, propitiating favorable conditions to its complete development.
Full Time Model School
The E.E. Dr. Sócrates Brasileiro is a public educational institution that started at the begining of 2016 where it once was the headquarters of Fundação Gol de Letra for 16 years. It is the first public full time fundamental school in the Vila Albertina community, after Gol de Letra articulated with the São Paulo State Government to implement a curriculum inspired in our methodology. It now shares spaces with Fundação Gol de Letra to promote night-time and weekend activities.

Learn more about the establishment of the Foundation in the book “Gol de Letra: 10 years of a Real History”, available in PDF in the link Publication.

Promote the complete education of children, teenagers and young people focusing on sports and culture, besides preparing them for paid work.

Develop and disseminate the practices that contribute to social transformation.

Dignity, Fraternity, Perseverance and Solidarity.
Conheça melhor a nossa história na linha do tempo abaixo:
The Foundation was established on December 10th, 1998, the Day of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Vila Albertina Head-office is inaugurated in São Paulo. The first program, Virando o Jogo (Changing the Game) is launched. The community library is also inaugurated.
Implementation of The Face of the Neighbourhood Project (presently, Youth Program) in São Paulo, with art and communication workshops to young people. It took place during the First Meeting on Citizenship and Human Rights.
The project entitled Turma da Vila (Vila’s Team) is implemented in São Paulo. The first unit of Rio de Janeiro State is established in Niterói.
Fundação Gol de Letra is acknowledged by UNESCO as a model organization in terms of support to socially vulnerable children.
Part of the book entitled “Cultivating Life, Unarming Violence”, of Unesco
Educators of the Year Prize – Brazilian Educational Academy.
Gol de Letra Association is established in France, viewing the interexchange of activities as well as fund raising. Gol de Letra Association is also established in Italy, to support the work developed in Brazil.
Raí is among the 20 Social Leaders in Brazil.
Golden Medal awarded by the Pan-American Health Organization.

The Foundation is acknowledged as a Public Utility Entity. (Official Gazette, 1/1/2003). The program to educate community agents (FAC) is implemented in Niterói (RJ).
Launching of the Corporate entertainment football match, with the first edition of Gol de Letra Tournament in São Paulo.
Launching of Jogo Aberto Project (Open Game), to use sports as a tool for learning and personal education.
5th Prize awarded by USP (Universidade de São Paulo) on Human Rights.

Launching of the projects entitled Projeto Escola Ação Esportiva (Sports Action), in São Paulo, and DOis Toques na Escola (Two Touches at School) in Niterói, in partnership with these communities’ public schools.
Expansion of the program dedicated to mediators, that is joined by young monitors who work with the teachers of Virando o Jogo (Changing the Game Program).
Semi-finalist of Itaú-Unicef Award.
The activities reach Rio de Janeiro City, in Caju neighborhood, Port Zone
Launching of Projeto Mensageiros da Água, a program dedicated to environmental awareness, in Caju.
Termination of the works in Niterói, RJ.
The Youth Program includes a new activity in São Paulo with the launching of the Employability Track.

Beginning of the studies to spread the social-educational practices. The pilot plan is in Goiás State.
Beginning of the Work Goal Project; first educational action focused on employability in Caju (Rio de Janeiro).
Gol de Letra Foundation’s 10th anniversary is celebrated with two events (in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo), an Exhbition and a Book Launch telling the history of the Foundation.
Spreading Gol de Letra’s practice on Guiné-Bissau.

Beginning of Gol de Cultura Project, based on Brazilian folklore.
Beginning the systematization of “Virando o Jogo” (Changing the Game Project).
Finalization of the curriculum of the Sports and Physical Activity technical course (in partnership with São Paulo State Government).

Dissemination is implemented in São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Belo Horizonte (MG), Salvador (BA) and Porto Alegre (RS), with the Ginga Social Project.
Launching of the book “Virando o Jogo – uma experiencia da Gol de Letra com Educação Integral”, the experience of Gol de Letra with integral education, and the practices of Virando o Jogo Project.
Ten years of interexchange with the French Organization named Sport Dans La Ville.
Raí receives the prize “Personality of the Year France-Brazil”, awarded by the French-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce.
Golden Initiative Award – ESPN Estadão Radio Station.
Laureus Award – ‘Sports for Good’, considered the world’s sports Oscar.
Beginning of the first team of the Sports Monitor Technical Course at Centro Paula Souza (São Paulo State Government); a partnership with Gol de Letra.

The First Internal Sports and Integral Education Forum takes place. Caju’s Gol de Cultura Project is terminated.
Itaú-Unicef Award on Integral Education – National Winner: Changing the Game Program (SP)
Open Game Project (SP) receives the Social Technology Certificate; awarded by Banco do Brasil Foundation.

Open Game Program starts in Barreira do Vasco and Caju, in Rio de Janeiro.
Beginning of the Project entitled Open Game – Football for Hope, supported by FIFA.
Launching of the release entitled.
Experiences with Sports – Physical Education.
Re-start of the Project focused on technical cooperation with Africa, establishing the Educational Center in Guiné-Bissau (Centro Educacional Amizade São Paulo).

Launching of a multi-sports gymnasium in Caju, Rio de Janeiro (Ginásio Poliesportivo Sócrates Brasileiro).
Launching of the Olympic Legacy Project realized in partnership with two international organizations for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.
Changing the Game Program (SP) completed its 16 year cycle of direct assistance; its methodology was ysed to implement in 2016 in Vila ALbertina the first governmental school focused on Integral Education, an innovative partnership with São Paulo State Education Secretariat.
Certificate of Social Technology of Banco do Brasil Foundation to the Social Agents’ Education Project (SP), in the category entitled Women.

Launching of the Youth and Opportunity Project and inauguration of the Professional Education Center in Caju (RJ), in partnership with Nissan.
Launching of the Gol For Equality Project, in São Paulo, with the support of Manchester City Football Club.
Interexchange concerning the Olympic Legacy Project in Rio de Janeiro and also in UK.
Tijuca’s Integration Games takes place in two local communities (Borel and Casa Branca), in Rio de Janeiro.
Gol de Letra’s Integral Education Methodology is used as a base to implement the first governmental school of integral education of Vila Albertina, a partnership with the Government of São Paulo State.

Best NGOs Award – Época Doar
End of our work at Barreira do Vasco – Rio de Janeiro
Lanch of the publication “Say NO to Sexual and Domestic Violence against children and teenagers”
Sport4RIO project in partnership with Instituto Reação, Instituto Bola Pra Frente e Luta Pela Paz
Regional Finalist of Itaú-Unicef Award with our project “Sexuality in Action”

Best NGO Awards – Revista Época;
Launching of the book “Goal for Equality: Sports and Gender” about our project working with these themes in our sports activities;
Opening of the René Lacoste tennis court at Fundação Gol de Letra Caju – Rio de Janeiro;

1st Gol de Letra Street Run in commemoratio of our 20 years anniversary; de Letra;
Gala Dinner in commemoration of our 20 years anniversary;
Participation in Girl’s Right Seminar in partnership with the Girls and Gendar Equality Network (REMIG)
Gol de Letra Caju started activities in two partner schools;

- Beatriz Pantaleão
- Dirce Cristina Bellíssimo
- Leonardo Nascimento de Araújo
- Raí Souza Vieira de Oliveira
- Raí Souza Vieira de Oliveira
- Angela Maria Gervasio Neves
- François Alain Dossa
- Guilherme Amorim Campos da Silva
- Paulo Aris Velasco Boyadjian
- Philippe Jean-Marie Ormancey
- Sérgio Arthur Ribeiro da Silva
Board of Directors
- Emília Maria Camargo Nagle
- Beatriz Pantaleão
- Dirce Cristina Bellíssimo
General Director
- Sóstenes Brasileiro de Oliveira
Gol de Letra Association - France
- Raí Souza Vieira de Oliveira
- Marie-Laurence Robert
Accounting officer
- Yves Bonniffet
- Guillaume Couzy
- Anne Huynh
Council officers
- Daniel Malcorps
- Philippe Oddou