Projects and Programs

Two Touches Program

Caju, Rio de Janeiro
Selo Educação Integral

The Two Touches program offers sports, leisure, reading, writing, computer and arts workshops to children ages 6-14 and monitors ages 15-18. Sporting and community service events make up the activities. The main aim of the program is to contribute to the integral education of children, adolescents and young people through sports and social learning, involving their families and other actors, such as public schools and residents of the local communities of Caju neighborhood, in Rio de Janeiro.

In 2018, the Two Touches program established two new service centers in addition to the Gol de Letra Foundation's headquarters - at Marechal Espiridião Rosas Municipal School and at CRAS XV de Maio - further expanding the service and spreading the methodology in the area where it operates. The program also held martial arts festivals for the first time, established new methodological parameters for literacy and incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals as transversal themes.

This program fits the ODS:

  • Saúde e Bem-Estar
  • Educação de Qualidade
  • Igualdade de Gênero
  • Redução das Desigualdades
  • Paz, justiça e instituições eficazes


582 direct assistances Núcleo Escola Municipal Marechal Espiridião Rosas (Governmental School): 270 children Other numbers: At FGL: 100 children + 150 adolescents + 12 young monitors Núcleo CRAS XV de maio (Educational Center): 25 children + 25 adolescents


