
Fundação Gol de Letra practices sustainability including three fundamental aspects, known as sustainable pillars.

They are:

  • Social, the interface of Foundation with the society;
  • Economic, the capacity to act and expand without damaging neither the Foundation nor the environment;
  • Environmental, the relation of the Institution with the environment.

In 2018, we developed actions and projects based on environmental and sustainable themes with the students of Fundação Gol de Letra. Some examples: Consumption Awareness Week, Ozone Layer Preservation Week, Popular Games Workshop, and Muay Thay with recycled material.

In our sites and offices, we develop programs to generate, maintain and expand sustainable actions:

Painéis Solares

Solar Panel on one of the head-offices.

Economy of 41,66t of CO2 (2017 and 2018)
Telhas transparentes

Transparent tiles on the roofs of the Canteen, the internal yard, corridors and multi-purpose room.


Timer taps in the washrooms.


Lanternim: a special type of roof that provides ventilation and natural illumination.

Poços Artesianos

Two artesian wells: water used in washrooms and for general washing.

Reaproveitamento das Folhas

Reuse of tree leaves (as organic matter)


Internal and external Led or fluorescent lighting

Cobertura Arbórea

Preservation of all the tree covering of the terrain.